Nico Ross A.K.A Melee (@Stackz_Meylo) met Stephen Johnson A.K.A Kash Kraz-E) (@Mr_Imtheshyt) In elementary school at the age of 7 at the age of 12 they started to rap for fun and enjoyed it time the graduation came they went to different school but still kept in contact Melee diversified and learned how to do many crafts such as Graphic Design Produce Direct and Engineer Kraz-E learned about his craft lyrically and took to the streets as a battle rapper holding an outstanding record on the underground battle circuit. The Parent Group Killinois Konflict (KNK) was founded in early 2009 gaining members as time progressed Kash Kraz-E had to leave to another school for a while so he left Killinois Konflict in the hands of Melee (Melee branded the term KNK and started a little company of his own known as Audio Geekz with a friend from his highschool known as DJ T-MO (sic) T-MO Branded the term AudioGeekin which inspired the sites name. This site promotes KNK, InKredible Films, Swagged Out Stonerz, The Audio Geekz, and Features Models who also do their own thing Support Chicago and its affiliates and let us stimulate your senses with a little real hip-hop.
Melee Founder Of The Audio Geekz and Co Founder Of KNK @Stackz_Meylo |